Webinar: Dynamics between BRI and Eurasian Integration on Tuesday, August 18th, at 13:00 CEST
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Webinar: Dynamics between BRI and Eurasian Integration
As part of its Eurasian Integration Index research initiative, the Dialogue of Civilizations Research Institute will hold a working session on the Dynamics between BRI & Eurasia Integration on Tuesday, August 18th, at 13:00 CEST.
The DOC is preparing a new policy brief and will be convening a high-level group of experts online to strengthen our ideas throughout this process. The event will consist of a moderated discussion featuring three speakers as well as an open conversation with participants.
Regional integration in Eurasia is a development strategy based on the assumption that collective action and economic interdependence spurs economic development. Within Eurasia, regional integration is a strategy that enhances the benefits of bilateral collaboration among its constituent states through market expansion, harmonisation of rules and regulations, intra-regional trade growth, efficiency savings, and enhanced factor productivity. A unified strategy will support the development of complementarities between the region’s countries. In this way, Eurasian states can react to their domestic development requirements more quickly by using the advantage of collaborative activities. Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) is an example of such efforts in making the region integrated. EEU will be an effective tool to protect and promote common economic interests.
In parallel, the Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) is trying to integrate the Chinese economy into the neighboring countries especially into Eurasian states. It is significant that the BRI was launched at a meeting of the leaders of Central Asia. China’s emphasis on soft development loans and infrastructural construction is different from that of the EEU but there is no reason why the paths should not be complementary.
Ideally, china and the Eurasian institutions such as EEU and Eurasian Development Bank could work toward a mutually regulated partnership that potentially can help in liberalization of trade and capital movement. These could be ambitious goals but there are positive signs of cooperation between them. However, one must always bear in mind that economic unions always imply a preference for its members, at the expense of third countries, which could include China.
The webinar will feature the following speakers:
- Richard Griffiths, International Institute for Asian Studies, Netherlands
- Victor Zhikai GAO, Vice President of Center for China and Globalization (CCG)
- Michael Schumann, Chairman of the Board of BWA (Bundesverband für Wirtschaftsförderung und Außenwirtschaft
- with moderator Behrooz Gharleghi, senior researcher at the DOC.
Among the questions to be answered:
- Is there any link between Eurasia integration and BRI development?
- Will these two projects support or contradict each other?
- Both projects emphasized on trade facilitation, what is the status quo?
Participation in the event is by invitation only. Please contact Event@doc-research.org if you wish to take part.
Quelle: https://doc-research.org/our-events/interlink-bri-eurasia-integration/